I’m in a band!

Recently joined a band courtesy of Get Rocking! Four rehearsals and a gig organised – you just turn up, choose your songs and learn how to play them. Thoroughly enjoyable. I highly recommend it for anyone who never got round to joining a band, or who got out of the habit. Should have some stuff up on YouTube soon – I’ll let you know.

We are called The Shakes. We’re carrying on since the gig, meeting and learning new songs. Who knows where it might lead?

Welcome to my world!

…or at least a part of it.

TexanGerbilGuitars is my attempt to share my interest in all things to do with electric guitars and, particularly, basses. There will be a gallery where I will showcase my collection of instruments, past and present, and a links section where I will attempt to build a resource of useful guitar-related places on the web. It’s a work in progress so bear with me and feel free to suggest links or additions which you think would add to the site.
